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HomeCategoryAgreements Archives - Page 5 of 6 - Daniel Clement

The New York Probate Litigation Blog highlights the recently decided case of Estate of Joseph Menaham, in which a widow’s attempt to nullify a pre-nuptial agreement was rejected by the Surrogates’ Court. Prior to marriage, the wife, now a widow, was diagnosed, hospitalized and treated for a bipolar disorder. Following her release, she entered into...

Postings in two divorce and family law blogs highlight a growing conflict between the states on how to deal with a parties continuing obligation to pay alimony or maintenance, as it called in New York, if the former spouse enters into a domestic partnership. To frame the issue, what happens if you are obligated to...

James Andrew Miller wrote a compelling op-ed piece in the New York Times, theorizing that expensive and heart wrenching custody battles could be avoided if parties intending to marry, merely entered into a pre marital agreement. He details the understandable outrage of friends, told by their soon to be ex-spouses that they would be allowed...

The Financial Times reports that there is a growing trend for post nuptial agreements.   Like the pre-nuptial agreement, the post-nuptial agreement sets out the parties’ rights, obligations and liabilities upon the termination of marriage by either death or divorce. The only difference between the two marital agreements is that the post-nuptial agreement is executed sometime after...

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