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HomeCategorySpousal Maintenance Archives - Page 3 of 5 - Daniel Clement

Nationwide, there has been a movement for alimony reform. States have considered have considered a litany of solutions to fix the arbitrariness of alimony or maintenance as is it is better known in New York. Maintenance can vary in both duration and the amount of the payments. Last year, the New York legislature considered proposals...

The laws governing spousal maintenance in New York may be soon be changing.    The Law Revision Commission issued a recommendation that New York adopt a formula to determine not only temporary maintenance, but post divorce maintenance as well. Presently, New York courts only use a formula to award temporary maintenance.    Post divorce maintenance is generally based...

One of the major criticisms of the new temporary maintenance law enacted last year was that it would lead to severe results, disproportionately re-distributing income. The new law provides for a formula to calculate the presumptive temporary maintenance award.  The law also provides a number of factors to be considered when the presumptive award would...

The new temporary maintenance law became effective in New York on October 12, 2010.   The new law provides a fixed formula for awarding temporary maintenance (in New York alimony is termed “maintenance”).     The formula provides that temporary maintenance should be the lesser of: 1)  Thirty percent of the higher-earning spouse’s income, minus 20 percent of...

Simultaneous with the enactment of no-fault divorce, New York enacted guidelines for awarding temporary maintenance. The stated purpose of the guidelines was to provide consistency and predictability for temporary maintenance awards in the same way that the child support guidelines do. Pursuant to the guidelines, maintenance is to be awarded during the divorce when one...

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